10 Activities to Improve Your Toddler Development

Check out textures

Toddlers love to touch, smell, and taste things to learn more about the world around them. Use a dark marker to trace letters and numbers onto poster paper. Then, have your child decorate the letters with different textures, like sandpaper, beans, cotton balls, pasta, and pipe cleaners. Activities to Improve Your Toddler

When kids touch the letters, they can feel how they are made. Little kids learning to write can try out the shape of a letter with their fingers before they pick up a pen or pencil. Every day, talk out loud as your child runs his fingers over the letters and numbers. Make the activity last longer by making a poster with his first name spelled out. Soon, your child will see these letters on signs, posters, and billboards.

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Try Getting Measured

Teach your child to measure with things they see every day. Even though a ruler is the most common way to measure, try using months, seasons, or times of year to make learning more fun. In the fall, have your child lie down on the grass and line up apples next to her to see how many “apples tall” she is at different ages. Or, figure out how many “Legos tall” your couch is or how many “wooden blocks wide” your fridge is. Please find out how many of your child’s books it will take to cover your bed for extra fun. Always count as you put things down, and your child will soon be able to count and measure in many different ways.

Please choose one or two things in your house to Label, like the fridge, windows, or chairs, and switch them out every few months. Use a simple font and make all the labels the same size so kids can find them easily. Type, print, and cut out each word. Then, use blue painter’s tape, which can be removed easily, to stick the words to things. You can also put the words on index cards and stick them on things.

Identify your home

Childcarelounge.com says that labeling helps kids learn that everything has a set of symbols that can be written down and used to identify it. If your child is old enough to recognize letters, ask her what letter “lamp” starts with and have her find the Label that starts with “L.” If she is still too young to read, show her the different letters and words. Every day, talk about the idea, and your child will be able to figure out the words on their own.

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Describe the Organization

Encourage your child to be helpful by keeping your home in order. Parents should be proud of this trait even if it makes activities and chores take longer. Connect the Label Your Household by putting toys, clothes, dishes, and other things in their proper places. Make it a guessing game as you put things in their labeled bins and drawers.

Ask children where certain things go ( “Where do you put your things? Where do you put your shoes? “) or put forks in a drawer of socks or a toy in the fridge and ask a toddler to fix her “mistakes.” They will love putting things for Mom or Dad, who can’t remember where the cups go. The authors of Common Sense Parenting of Toddlers and Preschoolers, Bridge A. Barnes and Stephen M. York, say that “these tasks give you a way to start teaching your young children about responsibilities, helping others, and being a part of a family.”

Arrange a Scavenger Hunt

Children are naturally curious and love to discover new things. You can plan a scavenger hunt ahead of time or make one up on the spot. Look for foods of one color, like purple, at the grocery store, or look for things of one shape, like a circle, around the house. If your child needs help, give her three things to choose from while she’s asking for it “What thing is red? What kind of shape is a circle?” Describe the Label Set up a scavenger hunt for different labeled things, or ask her to look through the bookshelves for a certain letter, word, or number. You can also act like you can’t find a carton of orange juice or socks. Send your child on an adventure to find the things in the house.

Face the City

Learn about your town by showing people where the grocery store, fire station, gas station, and other interesting places are. As you walk by each place, talk about what it’s like to go there. This includes the people who work there, why you’re going, and what you’ll find inside. Then, draw or print pictures of these places and put them along with information about them on index cards. Use these “neighbourhood” cards the next time you go out with your child.

For example, if you go to the dry cleaner, ask your child to find the matching “neighbourhood” card and ask questions like, “Do you buy dry clothes or pick up clothes that have been cleaned?” Who works there, a maid or a firefighter? Plan a trip to a local fire station or police station to learn more about your neighborhood. Teach them the Sesame Street song “The People in Your Neighborhood” to make this activity more fun.

Sing Words

Create funny songs about words that rhyme and count to ten, or sing easy, classic songs like “The Alphabet Song” and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” In your Child’s Writing Life/I by Pam Allyn, children’s book author Eugie Foster says, “During the pre-reading years, children learn an average of nine new words a day.” Allyn, also the Executive Director and founder of LitWorld, says that parents have a better chance of making this happen if they create worlds for their children that are like dream catchers’ nets and catch beautiful words and the sounds they make.

Encourage your child to sing in the car, at home, and in the bath. If your child goes to daycare or preschool, ask the teacher what songs the class likes best and teach them to your child at home. Teach songs to grandparents and babysitters so that everyone important to your child can participate in this fun activity. When your child sings about letters, numbers, days of the week and body parts to catchy tunes, she will start to learn.

You can count your mornings

Make a calendar grid with 31 boxes on a piece of poster paper. Leave room at the top to add signs for each month. On the top, write the days of the week, and on the bottom, write the numbers 1 through 31. Put Velcro on the back of each card and each of the 31 boxes on the poster. Hang the calendar where your child can see it. On the first day of each month, add a monthly sign and the number 1 card under the right day of the week. The next day, give her the task of finding the card with the number 2 and figuring out what day it is. You can also help by singing the “Days of the Week” song. Your child will start to understand how numbers and the calendar work. Allyn says that routines give children comfort in ways that adults often forget. Activities to Improve Your Toddler

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